Monday, December 17, 2007

Fear the Bug, Episode 4: Import and Export

Importing and exporting are pretty easy in OnTime, but there are always questions that come up regarding the process. This week's episode is the start of a multi-part series to help new users understand the basics of importing and exporting items across the OnTime 2008 system.

Also, starting this week we are on iTunes! Click here for the link:

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Fear the Bug, Episode 3: Hosted Dashboard

This week's podcast is for anyone new to the hosted version of our software. When Axosoft hosts your database on our servers, there are a few configuration settings that you can control for your hosted database. This video covers the configuration of these settings.

Fear the Bug, Episode 2: Archiving

This week's podcast is about the basics of archiving in OnTime 2008. How do you "remove" items from the system so they are out of your way, yet keep from deleting them completely? How do you find items that have been archived? What options do you have when it comes to archiving? How do you perform mass archiving using logical parameters?

All these questions are answered in today's episode.

Fear the Bug, Episode 1: Notifications & Alerts

Welcome to the Fear the Bug Video Podcast! It's a weekly podcast filled with tips, tricks, and in-depth OnTime concepts. We will get the podcast up on iTunes soon for easier subscribing and portable media viewing. In the meantime, you can subscribe to this blog to watch the videos online.

This first episode is about Notifications and Alerts -- the way OnTime communicates with your employees, your customers, and you about events that occur in your database. Your feedback is welcomed!